Though this site
is mainly for the beginners, others too might find these pages very useful, I hope.
There are near about 2,580 web
sites, (as of Nov. 19, 2003 - according to Google search engine - and this site is ranked 2nd & 3rd among the TOP TEN
Sites) available on the topic SRIVAISHNAVAM. (ofcourse,
other Search Engines such as MSN, Rediff, Yahoo, Hotbot etc. too places my web site on the 1st & 2nd listing among the
top ten!)
All the other sites are
dedicated to the Azhwaars(the 12 great Gurus or teachers who propagated ethics and values of Srivaishnavam in poetic scripts
named Divyaprabhandham which is purely in Tamil), Aacharyans (the Gurus), Divya Prabhandam, Divya Kshetrams(the sacred places
or sanctuaries where the temples of Lord Shri Mahavishnu are located), Raamaanujaa(a great scholar), Sri Desikar(a great scholar
who propagated VISHISHTAATHVAITHAM and the founder Guru of Shri Ahobila Muttam), Emperumaal (Lord Vishnu Himself), All sorts
of Srivaishnavam materials such as slokhas, Vedas, Temples, Gods and Goddesses. But none of these sites give the reasons and
inner meaning for practicing the rituals. If rationale thoughts are just posted, the younger generation will surely understand,
benefit and appreciate it. They might even follow the system more authentically. Here I am not giving any versus or slokhas,
but only giving the inner meaning of Srivaishnavam culture and its practices.
In these pages, I try to give a fair
picture of Srivaishnavam, Pride, Rituals and its reasons & beliefs in brief. In simple words the rationale behind practices
of Srivaishnavam. There may be some points here unacceptable to some, might be someone patting me , a few even against this
in Toto.
Whatsoever it may, I am honestly trying my level best to be impartial and post here in these pages whatever
I learnt from my Guru, my father and the Society in General.
If these columns get some value, let the praise go
to the Lord Srimann Naaraayana, The
Creator of this Universe.
If any mistakes and misquotes found, then I am solely responsible for the lapse, and
sincerely apologize
for the same.
Readers and surfers may please sign my 'Guest Book' and send in
your comments and criticism. This will help me in revising & modifying and improving these pages/contents accordingly.
For the needy one, Tharppana Sankalpams in Tamil and English
are given. Please follow the links and download the fonts if you want it in Tamil.
Frequently I am questioned by
curious young persons from our Srivaishnavites culture, for explanations and methodology of this Sect's routine practices.
Within my limited knowledge, I try to convince them of the available facts
Whatever I learnt and within my limited
knowledge I gained through some studies, I am passing it here through these pages.
you enjoy visiting. Please sign my Guest Book with your comments and suggestions, so as to
enable me to improve the contents. Also please inform your friends and relatives about this site to pay a visit. Thank
you Very Much,
Matunga, Mumbai 400019
HH Srivansadagopa Sri Vedaantha Mahadesikan, 44th |

Pontiff (jeer) of Sri Ahobila Mutt (Mukkur Azhagiasinghar) |
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